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Our Classes
Membership 2024-2025

Membership runs from 7/1/2024 through 6/30/2025 and must be current in order to register for a class.
Book Talk
with Arlene Jackson

This class will meet on Zoom on the second Wednesday of each month from September 11, 2024 to June 10, 2025. The instructor will lead discussions of books and authors. The books are from various genres and should all stimulate interesting discussion.
September 11 Small Mercies by Dennis LeHane
October 9 The Women by Kristen Hannah
November 13 My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok
December 11 Long Island by Colin Tobin
January 8 Demon of Unrest by Erik Larson
February 12 How to Read a Book by Monica Wood
March 12 Travels with George by Nathaniel Philbrick
April 9 Heaven and Earth by James McBride
May 14 Book to be determined
June 11 Discussion about book selection for the next year
Will run
2025 Gary Sullivan Lecture Series

January 8, 2025 4:00 pm Via Zoom
Nancy Ponzetti, a historian and retired teacher returns to our podium with a new topic, 'Native Americans Present in North America before European Contact'. She will discuss the treatment they received from established institutions such as religious groups, local and national governments and finally, the formal apology by President Joseph Biden in October 2024 on behalf of the Federal Government.
January 22 4:00 pm Via Zoom
Margo Stever, Susana Case, and Sandra Yanon, all three accomplished poets, will read from their own poetry and share excerpts from Sandra's latest poetry anthology, 'Unsinkable - Poems Inspired by the Titanic', and recently by the latest interest resulting from the implosion of the submersible 'Titan'.
January 29 4:00 pm Via Zoom
Julie Flynn, a Fraud Watch Volunteer with Maine AARP will update us on the most recent scams and fraudulent activities being perpetrated against seniors. She will share with us how to identify these scams and what actions we should take to avoid becoming a victim, while also watching out for family and friends.
February 12 4:00 pm Via Zoom
Gary Stevens and David Eid discuss their recent book, 'Stolen Seasons - How Maine Sports Survived the Covid-19 Pandemic'. Gary recently retired as Athletic Director at Thornton Academy. David Eid, Sports Director for WGME-TV, is originally from Massachusetts and of course is an avid Red Sox fan. Learn what kept Maine sports alive during this difficult period.
February 19 This event has been postponed to a date in April which will be announced at a later date.
This in-person event will be held at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 2 Lord St., Kennebunk.
Jack Kupp and the Coastal Winds Ensemble. Join us in an afternoon musical presentation by this clarinet quartet as they demonstrate the versatility of this instrument, taking us through a number of musical venues.
February 26 4:00 pm Via Zoom
Our speaker, David Plavin, is currently Vice President of Save Our Shores Saco Bay and the Chairman of the Saco Shoreline Commission. He has monitored beach erosion in Saco Bay and has been working to make officials from all levels of government aware of the situation and to fight rising seas by finding natual solutions and remediation of wave strength from storm surges and hightides. Learn what has been accomplished and what more there is to do.
March 12 4:00 pm Via Zoom
Our speaker is Will Kochtisky, PhD who together with his students at the University of New England have been using drones to monitor Southern Maine beaches for erosion before and after the January 2024 storm events. He will share the results of this study, showing how much damage has occurred since 2023, estimates of sand volume loss in Kennebunk, Biddeford and Saco.
March 19 4:00 pm Via Zoom
Jessy Randall will read excerpts from her most recent book 'The Path of Most Resistance: Poems on Women in Science' (MIT 2025). Jesse is the curator of special collections at Colorado College where she teaches a class called 'The History and Future of the Book'. She has authored a number of books, and many of her poems and short stories have appeared in a number of national publications.
March 26 2:00 pm In person event to be held at the Saco Museum, 371 Main St, Saco.
Kathy Angel Lee will present 'Creating Fabric Art'. Kathy is an accomplished fabric artist who has exhibited her art throughout New England, won many awards for her work, and had one of her fabric paintings purchased for the Saco Museum's permanent collection.
Will run
Create Your Own Legacy Letter
with Jerry Nulton

Join us for a hearfelt and engaging workshop designed for those who want to share their life stories, values, and wisdom with loved ones. No prior writing experience is needed. Just bring your stories and an open heart. During this friendly and interactive session, you will be guided through the process of crafting a legacy letter that celebrates the moments that matter most.
The Fight Against Fascism and the Nazis
with Sandra Garson

This class will be a survey of individuals who could not stand by but took action for their moral beliefs. Americans, Brits, Poles, Belgians, Dutch, Italian, etc. The instructor will look at the many ways people found to thwart and fight the Nazis and fascist ideology.
Will run